Since 2011, Photographer Ziya Tacir has made a name for himself with his exhibitions “Bomonti”, “Greek Orphanage” and “People’s Palaces”. We talked to him about his art and his travel preferences.

- How did you first become interested in photography?

In 1999, two important factors got me started with photography: my interest in SLR (Single Lens Reflex - Camera with a changeable lens) cameras, and my desire to photograph my newborn son. I can still picture what I saw the first time I looked through the viewfinder of the Canon 5 camera that belonged to a close friend of mine, and that’s the reason why I started to take photographs.

- You often take photos of architectural structures. Is there any particular reason why?

- I don’t actually have any clearly defined boundaries when it comes to photographic subjects. My aim is to photograph everything that kindles my desire to take photographs. My first two exhibitions were focused on two spaces that were both abandoned but that still maintained their original beauty against the ravages of time. My third exhibition was comprised of photographs of metro stations in Stockholm and Moscow which, again, are everyday places of great architectural significance. But now I’m planning an exhibition that will consist solely of nature photography. Perhaps after that I’ll try portraiture. I believe that a variety of subjects broadens one’s experience.

- Which of your photographs is your favorite?

- In general, no artist can chose between their works, but finds them all equally valuable. It’s the same for me, although there will be one or two photographs that stand out in each exhibition. For example, some of the ones I like best are the on titled ''I Can Hear The Music'' from my exhibition ''Greek Orphanage'' and ''Road To Hell'' from my latest exhibition ''People's Palaces''.

- What will your next project focus on? Where would you like to photograph?

- I’m planning an exhibition that will feature photographs I took in Iceland and in Cuba.

- Do you travel often?

- Due to my busy work schedule, I need to travel a lot. I also go on vacation every once in a while.

- What are your favorite cities, the ones that have left the greatest impression on you? could you say, “I wish I lived there?” about any particular city?

- My two favorite cities in the world are Istanbul and New York. I really like life in New York. There are an unlimited number of opportunities, especially when it comes to art and culture.

- Are there any cities/countries you’d really like to see, but so far haven’t had the chance?

- There are a lot of countries I'd like to visit. Bhutan and New Zealand are at the top of the list.